Carolina Pettersson
Carolina will participate in a Brainpod titled “How to Include Foreign-born Engineers in The Swedish Job Market”.
Raya Zamil was born in Iraq and fled to Syria during the war, where she later completed a degree in petroleum engineering. The situation in Syria forced her to move to Sweden in 2014. Raya’s first step into AFRY was through Jobbsprånget, an advanced internship programme for foreign-born academics. After completing the internship, she secured an employment and continues to work as a research engineer at AFRY.
Carolina Petterson is the section manager for Food & Pharma Life Science at AFRY. Her department has received highly-qualified engineers as interns through Jobbsprånget and benefited from the programme.
Meet Raya and Carolina as we talk about how to include the foreign-born engineers in the Swedish job market. What can we learn from Carolina and Raya’s experience with Jobbsprånget programme?