Jenny Svärd
CEO, Byggmaterialindustrierna
Jenny will participate in a Brainpod with the theme “How can we achieve the sustainable community building of the future?” along with Charlotte Gyllenhammar, Business Area Manager at PE Teknik & Arkitektur.
They will explore how the industry needs to collaborate and how various factors, including policy instruments and political decisions, can influence sustainable development.
You will get to hear insights and concrete examples of how the Building Materials Industries are working towards the industry’s green transition, changing energy and materials supply issues, and circularity. As well as how PE Teknik & Arkitektur, by working interdisciplinary, challenges both themselves and their clients to find innovative and sustainable solutions based on a work process where carbon emissions are a guiding parameter alongside cost, design, quality, and function in the building process.
This podcast is aimed at anyone interested in learning more about how we can drive change together to create a sustainable future in community building. Especially for those who have the climate issue high on their agenda. We will explore how factors such as policy instruments and political decisions affect the industry’s development and what exciting innovations are happening within the industry.