Engineering Day 2024

We the engineers. Together. For the future.
Early-bird tickets now on sale!


The Collaborative Edge: Uniting AI and Human Creativity

Embark on a journey into the future where AI and human creativity unite!

“The Collaborative Edge: Uniting AI and Human Creativity” unveils the transformative alliance between artificial intelligence and human ingenuity. Imagine a future where these forces harmonize, transcending boundaries and reshaping possibilities.

In this innovative convergence, AI becomes your collaborative partner, amplifying your human creativity. Together, you unlock unprecedented avenues for exploration, problem-solving, and innovation.


What to expect

Welcome to a day filled with inspiration, knowledge exchange and networking! 

On 28 November, Engineering Day is opening its doors for the fourth year in a row.

The program is under development and more information about the content will be announced successively. Come back before the end of June and you will find more information on the Engineer Heroes you can meet at Engineering Day 2024.


When: 12.00 – 18:30, Nov. 28
Where: Sergel Hub, Stockholm

Book now!

Engineering Day

November 28 @ Sergel Hub, Stockholm
SEK 995 Early bird discount!
  • Award ceremony: Grand Prize for Engineering
  • Keynote speakers
  • Hero Talks - lectures and presentations
  • Entertainment
  • Networking lunch and dinner

All prices excluding VAT.


Accordion Content

We are thrilled to invite you to Engineering Day 2024, a one-of-a-kind engineering event that promises to be both enlightening and enriching. As you may have noticed, there is a nominal fee associated with attending, and we wanted to take a moment to explain why.

First and foremost, we are committed to sustainability. Every ticket purchase plays a crucial role in minimizing “no shows,” which not only affects the logistics of the event but also has a negative impact on sustainability. By ensuring an accurate headcount, we can minimize food waste and reduce our carbon footprint, aligning with our commitment to environmental responsibility.

Furthermore, your ticket contributes to the creation of a truly memorable experience. We’ve invested time, effort, and resources into curating an event that fosters collaboration, innovation, and meaningful connections. From insightful panel discussions to keynote speakers, every aspect of Engineering Day is designed to inspire and empower you.

By charging for tickets, we can maintain the quality of the event, ensuring that every attendee receives maximum value and walks away with actionable insights and lasting memories. Your support enables us to continue organizing events that drive positive change and contribute to the advancement of engineering and technology.

We understand the importance of your investment, and we assure you that every penny goes towards enhancing your experience and making Engineering Day a resounding success. We genuinely appreciate your support and look forward to welcoming you to an unforgettable day of learning, networking, and innovation.

Thank you for being a part of our community and for joining us on this exciting journey.

We value every guest to Engineering Day, be it a student, a professor or a professional.

We invite students with a special invite code that grants you a maximum discount. Please contact us for more information at

We will reveal keynote speakers as they are confirmed. Please check back later in June or sign up for our newsletter and you will get details as soon as they are available.

Registrations will open in May!

8:30 – 11:00

Morning session

We’re starting our day with two pre-events, presented by Womengineer and Scania.
Limited seats available!

A networking event for fresh or soon-to-be graduates and a selected group of companies



Accelerate innovation and sustainability with the power of intrapreneurship!

11:00 – 17:30

Main event

Engineers from all over the country are gathered to partake in engaging discussions, insightful presentations, and collaborative networking opportunities, all aimed at addressing the most pressing issues and innovative trends in the engineering world today.

Hero talks

In these dynamic talks, our engineer heroes share with us their views on pivotal technologies, business models and innovative approaches that are re-shaping industries


In this knowledge-sharing format, our experienced experts share insights on projects they are working on and welcome your thoughts and ideas for exploring potential solutions.

guest speakers

Invited to offer us engineers an outside-in perspective on the world, our Keynote speakers will delve into the comprehensive examination of the technological, economic, and social factors dynamically shaping our various industries.

Brainpod LIVE

In our Brainpod, engineers delve deeper into the technical challenges of contemporary projects. They discuss complex issues, explore innovative solutions, and share seasoned insights.


Connect with like-minded professionals, exchange ideas and share experiences.

17:30 – 19:30

Awards party

The grand finale of the year! We are here to honor and celebrate those who have broken new ground, challenged ideas, led the way, or lifted others up. The Awards Party is where the engineering community unites to celebrate the incredible accomplishments of the past year and garner strength for the year ahead.

The event is fully booked.

Would you like to put yourself on the waiting list? Please email


What: Ingenjörsdagen 2023
When: November 23, 2023
Where: Sergel Hub, Stockholm

    Morning Session (8:30-11:00)

    Main event (11:00-17:30) Fully booked

    Awards party (17:30-19:30) Fully booked

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