Stockholm 28/11

Sergel Hub

Choose your Masterclass

In this knowledge-sharing format, our experienced experts share insights on projects they are working on and welcome your thoughts and ideas for exploring potential solutions.

We kick off Engineering Day with 8 Masterclasses, giving you the chance to join a group of 20 engineers with similar skills and interests before the main stage program begins.

Please note: you have to book a ticket for Engineering Day to be able to attend a Masterclass.

Meet your experts

In these immersive learning experiences, you’ll have the chance to learn from some of the most knowledgeable and experienced experts in the engineering industry. Our expert presenters are dedicated to sharing their knowledge and expertise to help you advance and stay on the cutting-edge of your field.

We are proud to present the following Masterclasses:

Lunch session

What is happening within fossil-free industry?
Björn Bolund, Vattenfall

Cyberangrepp – var, när, hur?
Johan, FRA

Driving towards the future: explore the top six trends within the automotive industry.
Sandra Udin & Martin Cederbom, Fellowmind


What is happening
within fossil-free

Björn Bolund

R&D Portfolio Manager Wind


Vattenfall’s motto is fossil-free within one generation. We will start by determining how the emission situation looks today and which routes Vattenfall sees as realistic to reduce the climate impact.

We will also have a look at Hybrit – our initiative for fossil free steel, where we will show ongoing development and the next steps.

We also want to highlight some interesting projects in Vattenfall that may not be visible from the outside, but still is very important and interesting.

Learnings from this Masterclass:
In this MC you will see the roadmap and work behind the Hybrit initiative. You will also get to see some ”fun” projects that may make you more interested in the energy industry.

Target group:
Students, professional engineers but also consultants in technical subjects



“Man´s best friend” – Spot, the robot dog, serves the industry in places where humans cannot enter

R&D Manager

Efficient energy production is crucial for society. We need inspections to perform and foresee maintenance on our power plants, which includes visits to dangerous and inaccessible places such as underground tunnels and radioactive environments. Places where humans can’t go and internet connection is impossible. AI powered drones and robots can make autonomous decisions and provide detailed reports beyond human capabilities.

Welcome to our masterclass to learn how we develop digital inspections for fossil freedom.



Human interaction with AI technology in the transport system

AI Strategist

As AI technology continues to evolve, so do the cognitive dilemmas we face in working alongside it. This session delves into the complexities of how AI challenges human tasks, from decision-making to problem-solving.

How do we adapt and collaborate effectively with AI without losing our unique human touch? And, as AI capabilities grow, a pressing question arises: will it replace our jobs, or enhance our ability to work smarter? Join us for an insightful discussion on how the future of work could see humans and AI not as competitors, but as powerful collaborators driving innovation.



Är jag hackad?

Specialist IT Security

Beskrivning av Masterclass
FRA är en myndighet om jobbar med signalspaning och cyberförsvar. Vårt uppdrag är att skydda det mest skyddsvärda verksamheterna inom Sverige.

I den här masterclassen kommer vi att visa på några av de klassiska metoderna en angripare kan använda för att installera sig på din dator. Hur går det till och vad kan du göra för att hitta det?

Utlovade learnings:
Du kommer få en ökad förståelse för vad persistens är, olika ramverk som IT- och cybersäkerhetsspecialister vanligen använder samt lite konkreta tips.

Den här masterclassen riktar sig till dig som har ett genuint intresse eller vill veta mer om IT-angrepp. Vi kommer bland annat gå in på Powershell, MITRE ATT&CK samt Windows registry, har du förkunskaper inom dessa områden är det positivt men inte ett krav.



AI’s Impact on engineering and development

Lead Enterprise Architect

About this Masterclass

Join our masterclass for an in-depth look at how AI is reshaping the roles of software engineers and developers.
We’ll look into how the AI tools affects the daily work and learn how to integrate AI for building AI-driven interfaces and systems.

Afternoon session

Electrified heavy transports – Another step towards zero tail pipe emissions.
Tony Persson & Anders Absér, Scania

Slussen – hur bygger vi ett av Sveriges största infrastrukturprojekt.
Mattias Svedell & Patrik Mettävainio, Skanska

Mobilitetslösningar för morgondagens polisverksamhet.
Gabriel & Samuel, Polisen


Electrified heavy transports – Another step towards zero
tail pipe emissions

Tony Persson

Head of Battery Production

Anders Absér

Value Creation Team Lead, e propulsion

In this Masterclass, we will talk about Electrification as an enabler for smarter, safer and more sustainable transports. Discover the challenges, opportunities, and latest innovations in this fast-growing field, including insights from us working with this on daily basis.

At Scania, we are dedicated to drive the shift towards a sustainable transport system.
For us, electrified solutions are one essential part for the future of transports. It is a technology shift that is key to reach our science-based targets. Today, we can already see a fair amount of hybrid or fully electric buses in our cities, transporting people and electric trucks transporting goods for both short and long distances.

In fact, electrification is happening so fast that we estimate that 10% of our vehicle sales will be electric by 2025 – and a staggering 50% by the end of this decade.

If you are curious about the transformation to electrified transports of people and goods, don ́t miss this!

Learnings from this Masterclass:
We will be discussing questions such as:
• How does it work?
• How far can we drive on batteries today and how much weight?
• How much can this reduce emissions?
• How are batteries for heavy commercial transports produced?
And of course:
• What challenges are our engineers facing in their daily work?

Target group:
Engineers interested in how the future transport system could look like and what challenges
and opportunities we as Engineers at Scania are facing within the area of Electrification.




Forest – a multitude of possibilities and innovative technologies that make them happen

R&D Director

Senior Manager, R&D

A new era of environmentally efficient processes is emerging, and Sundsvall is leading the way. SCA has recently launched a state-of-the-art BCTMP production line at the former Ortviken printing paper mill, marking a major step forward in sustainable innovation.

This advanced line integrates Valmet’s cutting-edge technology across all key areas, setting a new standard in the field. This SEK 1.45 billion investment is just one of many examples highlighting the immense potential of the forest industry, enabled through collaboration across diverse engineering disciplines. The combination of sustainable raw materials, forward-thinking business strategies, and the expertise of highly skilled technicians is driving us deeper into the green bioeconomy. A key enabler of these ambitious goals is the vast expertise of our employees.

By working in a multidisciplinary environment that harnesses the full spectrum of engineering knowledge, we are able to drive innovation and achieve breakthrough results. Join us and experience the Force of the Forest!



Elektrifiering i praktiken: lärdomar och innovationer från Sveriges största fossilfria arbetsplats

Production Manager

Segment Leader
Volvo Construction Equipment

Med elektrifierade maskiner och infrastruktur redan tillgängliga ställs frågan: hur skapar vi tillräcklig efterfrågan för att driva volym och göra elektrifiering standard i hela sektorn?



HITS: From idea to realisation with entrepreneurial spirit and AI as enablers


Project and Innovation Manager, Sustainable Transport Solutions Scania

About this Masterclass

In this Masterclass we will share how we “walk the talk” based on research and data, capturing the latest trends in order to develop future-ready solutions for the transport industry. Scania has initiated a collaboration project: “HITS”.  With Elain as one of the partners, this project aims to accelerate the development of an efficient and sustainable urban freight transport system.

These are some of the questions we are going to share our insights from:
• How can sustainable, circular, and efficient urban logistic systems be achieved and scaled up?
• What are the desirable conditions for automation (AI) and how can we achieve a more data driven decarbonization?
• How can digitalization, open APIs and data sharing increase flow efficiency? – How can then this also open up for more collaborative and shared transport services?
• How can we frame and drive for more sustainable business models?

Looking forward to see you there!


Upptäcka mönster och samband med hjälp av grafdatabasteknik

Head of Unit

Senior System Developer

Henrik och Jonas kommer att vara era talare i en svenskspråkig Masterclass med titeln “Upptäcka mönster och samband med hjälp av grafdatabasteknik”.

Beskrivning av Masterclass

Vår uppgift är att säkerställa att Polismyndighetens underrättelsetjänst har bästa tänkbara IT förmågor i sitt arbete med att upptäcka, förebygga och förhindra grov organiserad brottslig verksamhet. För att göra det använder vi oss bland annat av grafdatabasteknik. 

I den här masterclassen kommer vi att:

  • Ge en övergripande bild över underrättelseprocessen och dess olika steg
  • Beröra hur och varför vi använder oss av grafdatabaser 
  • Tekniskt gå igenom vad grafdatabaser är och varför de är användbara

Secure your spot!

To book a Masterclass, you need a ticket to Engineering Day. Your spot in the Masterclass cannot be confirmed until you have arranged your ticket. No ticket yet? Book HERE!

Can’t find the Masterclass you want to book? Unfortunately, it’s fully booked. Email for the waiting list.

The booking is now open!

To book a Masterclass, you need a ticket to Engineering Day. Don’t have your ticket yet? Book it here!

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Please notice: You can only choose one Masterclass.

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